Friday, 18 January 2013

Flash Freepost Offer!

Our bit of South London, like most of the rest of the UK, is by now carpeted in snow, and once the kids have had enough playtime (is there such a thing? in the snow??) we will probably be heading home for a snug indoorsy weekend.  We may surf the web, we may shop a little, except that if you are anything like us Christmas may have also left you a little bit, shall we say, financially depleted...  So we thought we'd offer a little boost to your winter crafting with a Freepost offer - or £2.50 discount to our international customers.  No minimum spend!  Use the code SNOWFLAKE at checkout.  (This code is valid until midnight Sunday 20th, use it as many times as you like!) Any orders received using this code will be shipped on Monday 21st, so take your time, get those hot chocolates ready, and plan your spring ranges at leisure!

EDIT:  Thank you to all who placed an order over the weekend - we are hoping to still send all orders out today and we understand that there will be a post collection this afternoon, however there is still much snow around here and elsewhere in the country, and the roads are a little bit treacherous, so we ask for your understanding if orders arrive a little later than usual in this weather.  

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Would you like to join us?

Welcome, January!

We do love the start of the year, all full of well intended resolutions and fresh plans.  At the moment however we seem to have more plans than hands, so we wanted to put the word out there that we could really do with some help - if you live locally to us in South London (SW16, to be precise), can spare 15-20 hours a week and already have an interest in jewellery making, we would love to hear from you.  We are looking for a bright and dependable someone to start as soon as possible, to be involved in all aspects of the business which will include preparing orders, office management, customer service and much more.

If you would like to know more, or know someone who does, ask Jasmin ( for a full job description.  Closing date for applications is on Wednesday 16th January.

We look forward to welcoming a new member to the team!