Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts

Monday, 27 May 2013

What Would You Put in Yours?

As you will have realised, we love jewellery that displays little worlds and tiny treasures.  We have been playing with a few ideas for our fabulous glass vials - but we wondered, what would you put in yours?  Answers on a postcard, or leave a comment below, far easier.  The best idea will win a set of one of each of our glass vials (that is one sphere, one tube and a glass heart).

Here are some of our suggestions:

Not sure if you can see it very clearly, but there is one single dandelion clock in that tiny tube!

Teeny no-hole beads in pinks and reds

A little lock of hair - this my daughter's!

It doesn't look particularly appealing and perhaps I should have let it dry thoroughly before popping the lid on - a bit of earth from a place that I love.

What are your ideas?   Closing date for suggestions: Sunday 2nd June.